Real Estate Lead Generation

3 Real Estate Scripts to Expand Your Sphere of Influence

By Last Updated March 10, 2023 3 min read

There are many ways to approach lead generation in real estate. One is managing your sphere of influence (SOI), which is vital in snagging new clients. Reaching out to new people can be intimidating, but once you build your SOI, they’ll no longer be strangers! 

Wondering how you can expand your real estate SOI and start off strong in a conversation? Take a look at our three sphere of influence real estate scripts to get started. 

What is a sphere of influence?  

Simply put, your sphere of influence (SOI) is people you know! Even if you only interacted with them briefly or over 10 years ago, anyone you’ve come in contact with can be part of your SOI. 

For seasoned real estate agents, this can include every client you’ve ever had. For newbies, you’ll have to start with your immediate sphere of friends and family to expand it. Don’t forget that networking consistently can also open up new opportunities. 

Why is a sphere of influence important? 

Looking for new leads is important, but maintaining great relationships with past and present clients works is just as beneficial. Clients who have had good experiences with you may consult you for your services again, and even if they don’t need your services, they may know someone who does. 

How can you grow your SOI?

First, start with who you do have in your SOI. Start with the following list of people:

  • Past clients
  • Family (extended family counts, too!)
  • Friends (even friends’ friends!)
  • Neighbors
  • Your spouse’s friends and acquaintances  
  • Your child’s teachers, school workers, and their friends’ parents, 
  • Past coworkers
  • Social group members
  • Anyone else you interact with regularly, such as your physician, hair stylist, and other relevant contacts

Write down every name you can think of. Even if someone in your immediate sphere doesn’t have the leads you’re looking for, expanding your sphere means more (and potentially bigger) opportunities. Then, determine whether you’d like to call, text, email, or contact them through social media

You don’t need to go over the top to reach out to people. A simple “How are you?” shows genuine interest in how their life is going and gives you an idea of their interest in speaking with you. 

Remember, don’t be pushy. In fact, not being pushy is the best way to spark people’s interest in your services. While they may not want or need them right away, being top of mind when they are is key.   

3 Sphere of influence real estate scripts 

Need ideas? Check out our three SOI real estate scripts for a place to start. 

Birthday or holiday

Hello, [Name]! I hope you have a wonderful [occasion]. It’s hard to believe another has come and gone! I hope you have a great day and can spend it how you want. [Continue the conversation and allow them to update you on how they are doing and their plans.] 

By the way, let me know if you have any questions for me. I offer [service] and am always available via text, email, or phone. 

Basic Check-In 

Hello, [Name]! How have you been? It’s been a while since we chatted. How are things going for you? [Allow for a natural conversation and response to occur] Let me know if I can help you with anything or answer any of your questions. I’m always available via text, call, or email. 

Changing market and home value 

Hi, [Name]. I’ve been seeing a lot of changes in the housing market and wanted to let you know that I’m here to answer any questions you might have about your home. You might know I offer a [class, brochure, seminar, etc.] on maintaining your home value even as your neighbors’ houses’ values go down. 

(Remember: you can swap out with the most relevant resource to the client)

Expand your SOI with Virtuance

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